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Why Choose Thames?

We know that choosing childcare is a really important decision. We want our parents to feel confident and happy with the choice that they have made. Here are a few reasons which may help you to make the decision. However, its always best to arrange a visit, either on one of our open days or just call to arrange a time to pop in.


Care and Support


We understand that children need to feel safe and secure before they are able to learn new skills. We also appreciate that you are trusting us to care for your child. 


When your child first starts at Thames, we will give them a Key Person who will be responsible for helping them to settle in and feel happy in the pre-school. We understand that some children need more support with this than others, and will work with you to ensure a smooth transition.


We have a wonderfully dedicated team who will work with you at each step to provide support and encouragement - so that your child gets the very best from their time at Thames. 

Child Focused Curriculum

We follow the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) which allows us to track your child's progress against key milestones and areas of learning. At Thames, we do this by playing, listening to and talking with the children, to identify areas of interest and understand what is important to them - from this we develop our activities. Child-led play, we find, leads to the best learning.
We will keep you updated every step of the way with an online learning journey and regular updates, both informally and through formal parent evenings.

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Community and Experiences

We understand that children all come to pre-school having had different life experiences. We are passionate about enhancing the wealth of experiences that the children at Thames have, and we access as many of these within our local community.
With regular visits to the shops, parks, library and fire station, we aim to provide children with valuable life experiences as part of their time with us.
We value our links with St Sampson's School and visit the hall and classrooms often.  We are regular visitors to 'Open Door' a social lunch club for the older generation within Cricklade, where we share songs and help out with jigsaw puzzles!

Outdoor Play & Forest School

We are lucky to have extensive gardens at Thames which allow for a range of outdoor activities. It might be sliding down the mound, building a den or planting vegetables, but outdoor play brings a whole host of benefits and experiences.

We go outside in all weathers (with warm clothing and wellies), exploring and experiencing the changing seasons, temperatures and environment. 


Forest School 

Our Forest School Sessions are run by Nicola, a Level 3 Forest School Practitioner. The sessions take place over a 6 week period and provide children in with the opportunity to take supported risks appropriate to the environment and to themselves. For more information see our Forest School Page. 

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Self Esteem and Confidence

We believe that each and every child can achieve success for themselves, if given the right mix of opportunity and encouragement. We support children to become independent and encourage their 'have a go' attitude - and we are always amazed at how much they can achieve. We strive to help children to develop a their own self-esteem and confidence - to achieve whatever milestone they are working on, however small -  and we always celebrate their successes.

Why Choose Thames?: Programs
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Thames Pre-school 
01793 750635 
Registered Charity 1041775
OFSTED registered 199398
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